
Surreal Reality

So...had my 4 month follow up today with my wonderful onconlogist. She took the opportunity to remind me of the ugliness of Triple Negative disease.

Two words:  Brain and liver. 

Thanks a bunch, Dr. Campbell.

We won't do quarterly scans as previously planned because recent studies show they cause more wild goose chases than true maligancies. So how do we know if the cancer has set up shop?  We wait. For something to hurt.

No kidding. There are no tests. "Just let me know if something begins to hurt"....she says. Alrighty.  I have a 'lil headache this afternoon. Should we move forward with a brain scan or just assume its the changing weather? I vote for weather.

Cancer centers are very surreal places. Humor is twisted there. Things that are definately not funny in the real world are a serious hoot in the world of cancer treatment.

Something that really tickled my funny bone today:  Prostethic nipples. WHOEVER would have guessed there is such a thing? Instead of gathering loose skin from my back to create a lifelike nipple, or instead of painting on a 3D tatooed nipple....we can just stick these little but incredibly life like pasties in a likely place and call it a day.

Take a look:

$40 a pair. I'll take two.

And yes. My blown up boobs are lopsidded and uneven. And hard as bricks. But just wait a few weeks for the real things. March 12. New boobs coming right up. New nipples too!

Can't wait!

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