
One week out....

Maybe I'm just feeling optimistic, but I'd like to say that I'm feeling GREAT!  A little tired here and there, and definitely sore in all the expected places, but overall not bad at all. Sick and tired of the drains, tho. Not pretty at all. Ick.

Surgery went very well. Didn't love my hospital stay at Duke-Raleigh, thought everything took way longer than it should, including the delivery of PAIN meds! Bring 'em faster, would ya?  

And not one person in my room (one family member, three friends, two nurses) could identify the mystery meat on my tray delivered just 4 hours after surgery. Seriously?  A full meal 4 hours after surgery? Someone thought it may have been meatloaf. Someone else thought it might be fried steak. But whatever it was, not what the 'ole tummy needed. Give me broth, jello, and lots of water.

And guess what? I have cleavage!  The plastic surgeon filled my expanders with a healthy starting dose of saline in the OR. 

How many women can come out of a bi-lateral mastectomy claiming to have cleavage?


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